Posted by: arbeam | May 25, 2024

Jun 1: Celebration of Life Ceremony

Our council held a Celebration of Life Ceremony for three past presidents and board members who passed away last year; Will Lent, Dick Vlist, and Carol Meteney. The ceremony took place on Saturday June 1st at 11:00 am at the U.S. Naval Undersea Museum Keyport.

Will Lent 2-28-2023 

Bremerton Navy League President 1984

Will was active in our Kitsap community, serving as President of the Bremerton Rotary, the Navy League, the Puget Sound Naval Base Association, the Silverdale Chamber of Commerce and other local organizations. He was very instrumental in the construction of this U.S. Naval Undersea Museum and was able to obtain funds to expand the Naval Hospital Bremerton. Will took on the BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure) attempt to save money by closing bases and realigning other bases. 

Dick Vlist 8-28-2023 

Bremerton Navy League President 1982

He was a member of the Elks, Eagles, Kiwanis and our Navy League. Dick was awarded the “Washington Veteran Volunteer of the Year” and got to throw out the first pitch at a Seattle Mariners game. The Secretary of the Navy presented Dick with the “Meritorious Public Service Award”.

Carol Meteney 11-17-2023 

Bremerton Navy League President 2001, 2002

Carol was active in MOAA and served two-terms as the local Navy League council President and later as a National Director of the Navy League. In 2005, the Secretary of the Navy awarded Carol the Meritorious Public Service Award for outstanding service and support of the the Men and women of the Sea Services and their families in the Puget Sound area. Carol was instrumental in raising funds to place the “Lone Sailor Statue” on the Bremerton waterfront.

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